With a pool available to me via my gym, and I can walk (no running until I'm near 90kg) where I like, the only thing left was to get a bike. I'd tried the exercise bike before, and whilst I had some success, in the end it was just plain boring.
So having done some research my wife and I visited a couple of bike shops in our area. One place was really good, the guy who ran the place was very helpful, and the prices seemed reasonable. The second place wasn't as good, the guy who spoke to us didn't seem to know his stuff, and on returning home to check prices, we found he was overpriced. So the next day we went back to the first shop -
Open Road Cycles (the web page will be working some day) and ordered a bike for myself and my wife. Due to my weight the LBS recommended a mountain bike for me, and a hybrid for my wife.
We ordered some odds and ends for the bikes - mine got a bike computer, pump, underseat bag with spare tube and tools. Both got lights, bidons (french for water bottle that goes on bike) and cages, locks and we got a helmet each. My bike also got a slightly longer headstem and a change of tyres to something a little more useful on biketracks than nobblies. As a result of the changes, and the cheese and kisses bike having to be ordered in, we had to wait for a week.
Whilst waiting, I went looking for some forums for advice. I found
bicycles.net.au and made a
few posts on there. The people there were amazingly helpful, and tremendously encouraging. I must admit, I had a preconceived notion that cycling was a bit cliquey and that I would be stonewalled. I couldn't have been further from the truth. Thanks guys.
On the day the bikes arrived I convinced the wife that it would be good for us to catch a bus to the LBS and ride home (a paltry 6km). She was unsure, but I was persuasive. So we caught the bus in, got some good tips from the LBS and set out.
I should point out at this point that neither of us had ridden since we were at school, and now are both in our 30s. The 6km happened, but quite slowly, and both backsides were sore and sorry at the end.
6km down, how many more to come?